How well do we actually know who we’re talking with?
On the web, in video games, and on social media, it’s easy to meet and chat with people from all over the world. This can be great, but it also has some risks. How well do we actually know who we’re talking with? In this video from you’ll hear what teens have to say about meeting and talking to people online. You can also think about what kinds of information you’re sharing and think of ways to keep your online friendships safe and positive.
A little change makes a big difference.
“A little change makes a big difference”
Would your company be willing to have our donation boxes at your reception? Please contact us at [email protected]
YouMeWe Giver's Club. Created to give back to donors.
Join now for a peek into the world of creation at YouMeWe
Typing game
We held meetings online with donor companies
We held meetings online with donor companies to learn about the skill set catalogue we have for them to learn more about to be able to use their volunteer hours but more importantly to connect with a home we paired them with.
The founder of You Me We,
The founder of You Me We, an NPO devoted to providing resources and "fishing poles" to children in orphanages, institutions, and foster care, Michael Perry Clemons, opened my eyes to the issues surrounding the increase of children who have suffered abuse, trauma, or abandonment in Japan. His team's efforts are admirable and genuinely speak to the sanctity of life and how educating parents is crucial for children to survive and thrive. Michael also shares stories about his grandfather, mother, banking career, and how You Me We came to be. This is a robust conversation that inspires, hopefully, some self-reflection.
New Intern Aina Sekido
Hello everyone! My name is Aina Sekido and I am from the Philippines and Japan. I will be soon entering my last year of high school at Seisen International School in Tokyo. I am very excited to be working at YouMeWe as an intern because it is a great opportunity for me to contribute in making a positive impact and supporting children as they continue to grow up.
New Intern John Stone
Hello! I am John Stone. I am a United States Air Force veteran, currently pursuing my Bachelor’s in International Business Studies at Temple University Japan. I am very excited to work with YouMeWe because I want to assist in supporting its goal of helping institutionalized children. I believe that it is important to put one’s energy into making the world a better place and YouMeWe is an excellent outlet to pursue this goal.
Mark Bell/YouMeWe Education Scholarship Fund Application 4
Mark Bell/YouMeWe NPO Scholarship Fund Application
Below is an application received for the Mark Bell Scholarship:
第一志望の進学先 (大学・短大・専門学校)Target University/Technical School 1
日本福祉大学 Nihon Fukushi University
入学費、初年度の授業料および教科書・教材等の諸経費 Annual Costs (Tuition, books, supplies)
131万円 1,310,000 yen
第二志望の進学先 (大学・短大・専門学校) Target University/Technical School 2
愛知淑徳大学 Aichi Shukutoku University
入学費、初年度の授業料および教科書・教材等の諸経費 Annual Costs (Tuition, books, supplies)
138万円 1,380,000 yen
一ヶ月分の生活費 Anticipated Monthly Living Expenses
11万円 110,000 yen
一年分の生活費 Anticipated Yearly Living Expenses
132万円 1,320,000 yen
他の奨学金を受取る予定 Will you receive additional scholarships?
日本学生支援機構(貸与型) Japanese Student Services Organization (JASSO)
必要な金額 How much funding do you need?
270万円 2,700,000 yen
小論文: 進学して学びたい学部・専攻、および将来の目標を書いてください。将来の目標を実現するために、志望先の学部・専攻にて学ぶ事が、どのように役に立つのか、下記にまとめてください。 (ビデオメッセージ、パワーポイント、もしくは直接プレゼンテーションしていただいても結構です。)
Explain your desired course of study or intended major in university or technical college. What are your future goals? How will this course of study help you realize your goals for the future? You can present your ideas in writing below, or, if you prefer, you can submit a video message, a powerpoint presentation, or an in-person presentation. Please ensure you can explain why the school listed above will help you attain your goals:
My dream is to be a staff of a children's dormitory. I lived in a children’s dormitory from when I was in 7th grade to 9th grade. I remember moving into the facility for the first time, I felt so lonely because there was nobody that I knew of, but all the staff members were so kind and caring that I felt like I was embraced. I would like to go to an university to learn about child welfare and be just like the staff members who helped me. I would like to be the person to help children who are in need and let them know they are not alone.
Home Director Notes / Recommendation
施設長からの記載 / 推薦
The below space has been provided for the director of the specific orphanage or home to provide a brief overview and description of the individual applying for the Education Scholarship Fund. Please provide the name of the Home or Institution and your name and position.
He has lived in our facility for 4 years since he was in 7th grade to the first year in high school. After that, he moved out and lived with his mother taking care of his 3 siblings. He is the oldest son and often was the victim of domestic violence by his father since he was trying to protect his siblings. However, he is a positive and earnest kid who was loved by everyone in the facility. Sometimes, our staff members counted on him and let him be a leader among the children. Currently he is out of the facility, but he has to give up his dream since it is financially difficult for his mother to pay all the costs for a university. Thus, I would like you to have at least an interview, knowing it is an exception. Thank you.
Mark Bell/YouMeWe Education Scholarship Fund Application 3
Mark Bell/YouMeWe NPO Scholarship Fund Application
Below is an application received for the Mark Bell Scholarship:
第一志望の進学先 (大学・短大・専門学校) Target University/Technical School 1
名古屋学芸大学 Nagoya University of Arts and Sciences
入学費、初年度の授業料および教科書・教材等の諸経費 Annual Costs (Tuition, books, supplies)
212万4千円 2,124,000 yen
第二志望の進学先 (大学・短大・専門学校) Target University/Technical School 2
愛知淑徳大学 Aichi Shukutoku University
入学費、初年度の授業料および教科書・教材等の諸経費 Annual Costs (Tuition, books, supplies)
219万5千円 2,195,000 yen
一ヶ月分の生活費 Anticipated Monthly Living Expenses
12万円 120,000 yen
一年分の生活費 Anticipated Yearly Living Expenses
144万円 1,440,000 yen
他の奨学金を受取る予定 Will you receive additional scholarships?
日本学生支援機構 Japanese Student Services Organization (JASSO)
必要な金額 How much funding do you need?
356万4千円 3,564,000 yen
小論文: 進学して学びたい学部・専攻、および将来の目標を書いてください。将来の目標を実現するために、志望先の学部・専攻にて学ぶ事が、どのように役に立つのか、下記にまとめてください。 (ビデオメッセージ、パワーポイント、もしくは直接プレゼンテーションしていただいても結構です。)
Explain your desired course of study or intended major in university or technical college. What are your future goals? How will this course of study help you realize your goals for the future? You can present your ideas in writing below, or, if you prefer, you can submit a video message, a powerpoint presentation, or an in-person presentation. Please ensure you can explain why the school listed above will help you attain your goals.
My dream is to be an elementary school teacher or preschool teacher, and Nagoya University is the best school for me to get all the certificates including a teaching license. If I can go tothe university, I believe that not only I will be able to get the license, but also can learn some knowledge that will help me interact with children.
Home Director Notes / Recommendation
施設長からの記載 / 推薦
The below space has been provided for the director of the specific orphanage or home to provide a brief overview and description of the individual applying for the Education Scholarship Fund. Please provide the name of the Home or Institution and your name and position.
She has been moving around various children’s dormitories since she was little, and has not had sufficient education. She could not go to an elementary school that much, and she was not proud of that. When she was in seventh grade, she came to our facility and has been studying very hard ever since to catch up. Even after she became a high school student, she kept studying and has been an outstanding student. She has a dream of having a child welfare job from a young age and has been saving money for it.
She is a driven person and willing to work hard for her goals; therefore, I recommend her for this scholarship.
Mark Bell/YouMeWe Education Scholarship Fund Application 2
Mark Bell/YouMeWe NPO Scholarship Fund Application
Below is an application received for the Mark Bell Scholarship:
第一志望の進学先 (大学・短大・専門学校) Target University/Technical School 1
金城学院大学 Kinjo Gakuin University
入学費、初年度の授業料および教科書・教材等の諸経費 Annual Costs (Tuition, books, supplies)
135万5千8百円 1,355,800 yen
第二志望の進学先 (大学・短大・専門学校) Target University/Technical School 2
名古屋女子大学 Nagoya Women’s University
入学費、初年度の授業料および教科書・教材等の諸経費 Annual Costs (Tuition, books, supplies)
142万4千円 1,424,000 yen
一ヶ月分の生活費 Anticipated Monthly Living Expenses
10万円 100,000 yen
一年分の生活費 Anticipated Yearly Living Expenses
120万円 1,200,000 yen
他の奨学金を受取る予定 Will you receive additional scholarships?
必要な金額 How much funding do you need?
小論文: 進学して学びたい学部・専攻、および将来の目標を書いてください。将来の目標を実現するために、志望先の学部・専攻にて学ぶ事が、どのように役に立つのか、下記にまとめてください。 (ビデオメッセージ、パワーポイント、もしくは直接プレゼンテーションしていただいても結構です。)
Explain your desired course of study or intended major in university or technical college. What are your future goals? How will this course of study help you realize your goals for the future? You can present your ideas in writing below, or, if you prefer, you can submit a video message, a powerpoint presentation, or an in-person presentation. Please ensure you can explain why the school listed above will help you attain your goals.
I am a high school student who likes kids and has a dream of working at a nursery.In order to make my dream come true, I would like to go to these universities so that I wii be able to learn specialized knowledge. These two universities have a perfect environment for studying, and especially Kinjo Gakuin University offers numbers of off campus training and piano lessons which are appealing to me. Through off-campus training, I am expecting to learn not just the ways to interact with kids but also how to conduct myself as an adult. I am a beginner in piano, so I would like to improve my skills through piano lessons.I would like to be the one who kids feel safe and relieved being around; therefore, studying at a university and participating in volunteer work will help my future.
Home Director Notes / Recommendation
施設長からの記載 / 推薦
The below space has been provided for the director of the specific orphanage or home to provide a brief overview and description of the individual applying for the Education Scholarship Fund. Please provide the name of the Home or Institution and your name and position.
She came to our facility when she entered high school. She has been with us for just over a year, but we know that she is a polite and cheerful kid. As well as studying hard, she is working part-time to save money for her future. She was raised in a single-mother household, and she meets her mother once every three months; however, her mother cannot support her financially due to a mental illness. She is only a second year high school student, and we are not sure how much she will grow as a person, but we are looking forward to how she grows from now on.
Mark Bell/YouMeWe Education Scholarship Fund Application 1
Mark Bell/YouMeWe NPO Scholarship Fund Application
Below is an application received for the Mark Bell Scholarship:
第一志望の進学先 (大学・短大・専門学校) Target University/Technical School 1
名古屋ビューティーアート専門学校 Nagoya Beauty Art College
入学費、初年度の授業料および教科書・教材等の諸経費 Annual Costs (Tuition, books, supplies)
120万円 1,200,000 yen
第二志望の進学先 (大学・短大・専門学校) Target University/Technical School 2
中日美容専門学校 Chunichi Beauty College
入学費、初年度の授業料および教科書・教材等の諸経費 Annual Costs (Tuition, books, supplies)
120万円 1,200,000 yen
一ヶ月分の生活費 Anticipated Monthly Living Expenses
10万円 100,000 yen
一年分の生活費 Anticipated Yearly Living Expenses
120万円 1,200,000 yen
他の奨学金を受取る予定 Will you receive additional scholarships?
学生支援機構(給付型) Japanese Student Services Organization (JASSO)
必要な金額 How much funding do you need?
240万円 2,400,000 yen
小論文: 進学して学びたい学部・専攻、および将来の目標を書いてください。将来の目標を実現するために、志望先の学部・専攻にて学ぶ事が、どのように役に立つのか、下記にまとめてください。 (ビデオメッセージ、パワーポイント、もしくは直接プレゼンテーションしていただいても結構です。)
Explain your desired course of study or intended major in university or technical college. What are your future goals? How will this course of study help you realize your goals for the future? You can present your ideas in writing below, or, if you prefer, you can submit a video message, a powerpoint presentation, or an in-person presentation. Please ensure you can explain why the school listed above will help you attain your goals:
I would like to go to Nagoya Beauty Art College because my dream is to be a beauty advisor. Going to the college can help me learn specialized knowledge about cosmetics and makeup. If I am able to enroll and graduate from the college, I would like to be a beauty advisor who does not just focus on business but also is to be considerate of customers. I do not have enough communication skills to do that right now, so I will work hard to get it while going to school. It will be the first time for me to live on my own, but I will try to be as independent as possible getting help from others.
Home Director Notes / Recommendation
施設長からの記載 / 推薦
The below space has been provided for the director of the specific orphanage or home to provide a brief overview and description of the individual applying for the Education Scholarship Fund. Please provide the name of the Home or Institution and your name and position.
She has lived in our facility since she was a first grade student, and from 5th grade, she had been part of a local softball team. When she became a junior high school student, she was selected for the all-prefecture team. She had been practicing the sport every weekend which is remarkable. Although she has played softball all her life, she started to play Kyudo, which is Japanese archery, and again, she kept practicing for 3 years now. She is perseverant and does not give up, and she likes playing and teaching sports with younger kids at our facility. She does not get any financial support as her mother has a mental illness and is in hospital right now. That is why I recommend her for this scholarship.
New Intern Maya Hemmi
Hello! My name is Maya Hemmi, and I am entering my final year of high school at Seisen International School this fall. I am excited to be working with YouMeWe as a student intern, starting by assisting with organizing the DAA summer camp. My interests lie in the intersection between technology, design, and business. I hope to pursue these passions at university. As an intern, I aim to gain work experience and learn from the dedicated staff to cultivate my own unique form of leadership. My ultimate goal is to help make a positive impact within my community, as I continue to learn and grow with others to become a more well-rounded person in the process!
PLEASE READ: We are VERY excited about this. Permanency Pacts and Transition Toolkits
We are VERY excited to introduce two new tools to help us in our work.
The Permanency Pact and the Transition Toolkit.
When we are working with the children in the homes, we are very much looking forward to them prospering after they leave the home as adults. This was the buy in from the staff from the beginning of our journey as a NPO and continues to be the challenge.
We realized when talking to the staff tasked with one of the Ambassadors (our term for aged out youth as they are no longer children and should not be called orphans. Even orphans we prefer to call Champions) that in many cases, we are the only consistency in the lives of the kids we work with from a young age. Staff come and go and the Principals of the homes retire or transfer. So, we understand the unique position we are in to develop a strong bond with the kids that can last into adulthood.
When the Ambassadors work with us, we have a checklist to understand more about where they are in life i.e. health insurance, bank accounts, birth certificates etc. We also try to make them aware of the many assets in the community which are available to them in our online Empower Village at YouMeWe and Empower International where we try to connect them with our network
IFCA (International Foster Care Association) has shared with us two tools:
The Permanency Pact
What’s a Permanency Pact? A pledge by a supportive adult to provide specific supports to a young person in foster care with a goal of establishing a lifelong, kin-like relationship.
Youth transitioning from foster care are often unsure about who they can count on for ongoing support. Many of their significant relationships with adults have been based on professional connections which will terminate once the transition from care is completed. It is critical to the youth's success to identify those adults who will continue to provide various supports through and beyond the transition from care. Clarifying exactly what the various supports will include can help to avoid gaps in the youth's safety net and misunderstandings between the youth and the supportive adult.
A Permanency Pact provides:
• structure and a safety net for the youth
• a defined and verbalized commitment by both parties to a long term supportive relationship
• clarity regarding the expectations of the relationship
A Permanency Pact creates a formalized, facilitated process to connect youth in foster care with a supportive adult. The process of bringing the supportive adult together with youth and developing a pledge or “Permanency Pact” has proven successful in clarifying the relationship and identifying mutual expectations. A committed, caring adult may provide a lifeline for a youth, particularly those who are preparing to transition out of foster care to life on their own.
Participants in a Permanency Pact
In addition to the two primary parties in a Permanency Pact (the youth and the supportive adult), it is recommended that a Facilitator assist in developing the Pact. The Facilitator may be a Case Worker, Independent Living Provider or other adult who:
• is knowledgeable in facilitating Permanency Pacts
• is familiar with the youth, and
• can provide insight into the general needs of the youth transitioning from care
The Supportive Adult is an adult who:
• has been identified by the youth
• has a relationship with the youth
• is willing to commit to a life-long relationship with the youth• is a positive role-model and
• is able to provide the youth with specific support on an on-going basis.
(Shawn from Michigan, FosterClub All-Star
“As I get older I am seeing the importance of family, community and peer support. Ever since I became engaged and active in my community my circle of support has expanded. My life has become so much more enriched now that I have accepted that I have a lot of people that care about me, I genuinely believe that family: peers, bio, foster, adoptive, in-laws are the most valuable thing a person can have in their life.”)
There are 45 Suggested Supports and the Japanese Version may vary but we have offered this Pact to the 6 Ambassadors who work with us now to formalize the support we already offer:
1. A home for the holidays
2. A place to do laundry
3. Emergency place to stay
4. Food/Occasional meals
5. Care packages at college
6. Employment opportunities
7. Job Search Assistance
8. Career Counseling
9. House Hunt
10.Recreation Activities
13.Educational Assistance
14.Relationship/Marriage/Parenting counseling
15.Assistance with Medical appointments/chaperone
18.Someone to talk to/Discuss problems
19.A phone to use
20.A computer to use
22.Spiritual support
23.Legal troubles
24.Cultural experience
25.Apartment move-in
26.Cooking lessons/Assistance
27.Regular Check-in (Daily, Weekly or Monthly)
28.Bills and Money Management Assistance
29.Drugs and Alcohol Addiction Help
30.Mental Health Support
32.Help with reading Forms, Documents, and Complex Mail
33.Mechanical and/or Building projects
35.Home Decorating
38.Finding Community Resources
39.Safety and Personal Security
41.Emergency Cash
44.Inclusion in Social Circle/Community Activities
Bullying in Japan
July 16,2022 | By You Me We NPO
On June 28, 2013, the Japanese government announced the introduction of the Anti-Bullying Act, in an attempt to take action in providing a safe and stress-free environment for students. [1] As time goes by, there has been an increase in bullying and suicide cases in school. In 2019, a record 612,496 bullying cases were recognized at schools across Japan. [2]
A study by the Tokyo Metropolitan School Personnel in Service Training Center in 2013 found that 66.2 percent of the more than 9,000 children it surveyed had been bullied. [3]
The chart below the types of bullying that occurs in educational institutions.
Information taken from
In April of 2021, Japan’s parliament enacted a law to help victims of cyberbullying in seeking to identify individuals who made defamatory posts online. Cyberbullying became a prominent issue particularly after the death of Hana Kimura, a cast member of the Netflix reality show “Terrace House” [4] Hana was bullied on social media, which lead to her death in May of 2020. Since COVID, the world has been primarily remote and cyberbullying is now a larger issue than before. Although the government is taking action to prevent and help victims of bullying, Japan needs to be better educated on the impact of bullying.
We must start spreading awareness of the dangers and repercussions of bullying and take more action. Many victims of bullying are too scared to speak out and when they do, not much is done to stop these bullies.
If you or someone close to you is going through an emotional crisis because of cyberbullying or anything else that may be putting your or their wellbeing at risk, please know that there are available resources to help. The TELL Lifeline is available for those who need free and anonymous counseling in English or Japanese at 03-5774-0992 (9am–11pm every day) or via chat (Friday, Saturday, Sunday 10:30pm–2am). In case of emergency, please call 119 in Japan for help.
For more information please check the website:
[1] Sugimori, Shinkichi. Anatomy of Child Bullying in Japan 6: Bullying Prevention (3): How to Interpret the Anti-Bullying Act. Child Research Net, 13 November 2015,
[2] KYODO NEWS. Japan had record 610,000 school bullying cases in FY 2019, 22 October 2020,
[3] Kawano, Kirsty. Bullying in Schools Modern Bulling Attacks Not Just The Odd Ones Out. Savvy Tokyo, 7 May 2021,
[4] KYODO. Japan enacts law to enable simpler court step to find cyberbullies. thejapantimes. 21 April 2021,
DAA Artist Profile: Masatou Ono
Born in Kagawa Prefecture Lives in Tokyo, Masatou Ono is an illustrator and artist who draws human patterns through Eco & Love & Peace. Illustrations of activities such as mountain climbing and surfing, illustrations of one scene of the city, and artistic illustrations with the theme of environmental issues with a message are symbolically drawn. He graduated from Osaka University of Arts Textile Design Department in 1993. Awarded 25th Anniversary of Kodaiji Opening Local Character Grand Prix Gold Award in 2015, Shiga Prefectural National Athletic Meet / National Sports Festival for the Disabled Mascot Character Excellence Award in 2017.
香川県出身 東京都在住 小野 正統 Eco & Love & Peaceな人間模様を描くイラストレーター・アーティスト。 登山やサーフィンなどアクティビティのイラスト、街のワンシーンのイラストとともに メッセージ性を持った環境問題をテーマにしたアーティスティックなイラストをシンボリックに描いています。 1993年 大阪芸術大学 テキスタイルデザイン科 卒業 2015年 高台寺公開25周年記念 御当地キャラグランプリ 金賞受賞 2017年 滋賀県 国体・全国障害者スポーツ大会マスコットキャラクター 優秀賞受賞
DAAの詳細はこちら YouMeWe
Please visit YouMeWe for DAA information
DAA Artist Profile: Taiki Tokunaga
Hi! My name is Taiki Tokunaga and I am a digital artist! I do illustrations, sketches, and designs on the iPad. I am grateful to be a part of DAA and deliver a joyful and memorable experience through art! I am excited to laugh and have a lot of fun with them together!
こんにちは!デジタルアーティストをやっている徳永タイキです! iPadでイラスト、スケッチ、デザインをしています。私はDAAの一員として、アートを通して楽しく思い出に残る体験を提供できることに感謝しています。一緒にたくさん笑い、楽しみましょう!
DAAの詳細はこちら YouMeWe
Please visit YouMeWe for DAA information
DAA Artist Profile: Ken Tanaka
Pen artist from Fukuoka, active in Tokyo as a live performance artist and art instructor. His goal is to convey to all that with improvisation and heart, anyone can create a masterpiece.
DAAの詳細はこちら YouMeWe
Please visit YouMeWe for DAA information
DAA Artist Profile: Melissa Finkenbin
Melissa Finkenbiner received a Bachelor of Arts in Art Education in 2008. In 2011 she moved from the U.S. to Myanmar, then Armenia, Zimbabwe, and Japan. Living in these diverse places has directed her themes and materials, and she has exhibited in 18 art shows, including the Zimbabwe National Gallery. Melissa has taught art lessons and led art events over the last nine years, including teaching fair-trade artisans in Myanmar and teaching “Vino and van Gough” painting events in Armenia. In Japan, she has taught a few small groups of adults or children, making fine art and metalsmithing accessible for beginners. She will be teaching self-portraiture at DAA.
DAAの詳細はこちら YouMeWe
Please visit YouMeWe for DAA information
Thank you 'Robert Walters' for the donation!
We would like to extend our gratitude and a huge thank you to ‘Robert Walters’ for the donation for Girls in Tech!! Thank you for being a part of our team of supporters that are making our project a reality. Your support and donation means the world to us and thanks to donors like you we can continue helping our community! Here are some words from the company: “For over 37 years, businesses across the globe have relied on us to find the very best specialist professionals and we are trusted to help build the careers of the world’s leading executives, job move after job move.”
For more information please visit: