
Who We Are

YouMeWe is a Tokyo-based nonprofit organization that is solely dedicated to nurturing and supporting local students from institutionalized homes. For a decade, our NPO has assisted students in becoming fully independent as they reach the age of 18.

YouMeWe (ユー・ミー・ウィー) は、東京に本拠地を置き、10年以上にわたり各地の児童養護施設を支援している非営利団体です。施設で育った子どもたちが、18歳で、大学や、専門職業学校、又は就職を迎え施設を離れる時に、 大人として自立し、将来、地域で貢献する一市民として社会へ羽ばたいていかれるよう支援をするのが YouMeWe の使命です。

The difficulties that 30,000 children are facing are financial limitations, which pose a barrier to their education, as well as post-traumatic stress, often stemming from poverty, abuse, and neglect.

Our small yet dedicated staff supports these students living in institutionalized homes across Japan. Specifically, the ratio of staff members to students is 1 adult to 6 students. By providing our guidance-based support programs, we offer these students a stronger chance of happiness and success, translating into a more positive future for all!



What we do:

At YouMeWe we create and run educational programs and computer donations to children in orphanages to give them the best possible chance at a great future. The programs focus on:


  • Digital literacy; expanding technical skills keeping them current with today’s technology, and unlocking more options for advanced education or jobs.


  • Communication skills; through language lessons, writing programs, cultural exchanges, and engaging in a summer arts camp.


  • Connectedness; collaborating with others in the community and around the world through mentoring programs and online exchange programs.


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If you want to get involved, please contact us using the corresponding option on our menu!