Our Mission 私たちのミッション・使命
Our primary mission is to help children growing up in institutionalized homes prepare for life outside the home once they reach the age of 18. We offer support programs that increase a child's opportunity to become a productive and financially independent young adult in their community. This means helping kids develop and hone critical skills such as language, writing, digital literacy, etc., and ultimately increasing confidence levels that can lead to new opportunities and choices in the future. Providing tutoring, internship opportunities, and academic transfer counseling will offer children another critical layer of support as they begin to formulate their plans for their future. Developed skill sets, solid communication abilities, and a thorough understanding of their options will help set kids on the right path toward successful independence.
This is no easy task for any child, but it can prove especially challenging for kids without continual 1:1 attention. We hope that by providing educational and mentoring-based support, we will improve their overall chances.
これは、子供が言語、文章能力、デジタルリテラシーなどの重要なスキルを身に付け、磨くのを手助けし、将来的に新しい機会や選択に繋げることを意味します。 個別指導での支援、インターンシップの機会、そして大学/専門学校など進路相談の場を提供することで、子供たちは将来のための計画を立て始めることができます。 いろいろなスキルを習得し、しっかりしたコミュニケーション能力を持ち、自分の人生の選択肢を理解することで、子供たちが成功に向かって正しい道を進めるのだと信じております。
Our Approach 私たちのアプローチ
For the past decade, we have been working closely with many children's homes in the Tokyo area to better understand each home's needs, unique environments, and the interests of their kids. Further, we continue to learn about the various challenges each home faces and try to determine how we can best work together to develop support solutions. It is important to note that without first understanding the dynamic of each home and getting to know the staff and children, we would not be able to create effective and lasting support programs. The other element to achieving our mission is engaging the local community - through volunteering their expertise and time - as well as specific financial donations across the different programs.
Our main areas of focus fall under Digital Literacy, Communications Development and Mentoring.
過去10年間、私たちは都内各地の多くの児童養護施設と密接に協力して、それぞれのニーズ、ユニークな環境、そして子供たちの興味をよりよく理解してきました。 さらに、私たちは、各施設が直面するさまざまな課題について学び、克服するためにどのように協力し合うことができるかを判断できるよう努めています。 最初に施設の構成を理解し、スタッフと子供たちと関係を育まなければ、効果的で持続的な支援プログラムを作ることができないと理解しています。
“100 years later, nobody will care how much money I have and how big of a house I lived in. But if you help one child today, it will last for generations .
— Jerry Lewis ジェリー・ルイス
“Children don’t ask to be born, when they are they deserve everything life has to offer.
— Karen Sullivan カレン・サリヴァン