Mark Bell/YouMeWe Education Scholarship Fund Application 3

Mark Bell/YouMeWe NPO Scholarship Fund Application

Below is an application received for the Mark Bell Scholarship:

第一志望の進学先 (大学・短大・専門学校) Target University/Technical School 1  

名古屋学芸大学 Nagoya University of Arts and Sciences

入学費、初年度の授業料および教科書・教材等の諸経費  Annual Costs (Tuition, books, supplies)

212万4千円 2,124,000 yen

第二志望の進学先 (大学・短大・専門学校) Target University/Technical School 2  

愛知淑徳大学 Aichi Shukutoku University

入学費、初年度の授業料および教科書・教材等の諸経費  Annual Costs (Tuition, books, supplies)

219万5千円 2,195,000 yen

一ヶ月分の生活費 Anticipated Monthly Living Expenses  

12万円 120,000 yen

一年分の生活費 Anticipated Yearly Living Expenses  

144万円 1,440,000 yen

他の奨学金を受取る予定 Will you receive additional scholarships?  

日本学生支援機構 Japanese Student Services Organization (JASSO)

必要な金額 How much funding do you need?

356万4千円 3,564,000 yen

小論文: 進学して学びたい学部・専攻、および将来の目標を書いてください。将来の目標を実現するために、志望先の学部・専攻にて学ぶ事が、どのように役に立つのか、下記にまとめてください。 (ビデオメッセージ、パワーポイント、もしくは直接プレゼンテーションしていただいても結構です。) 

Explain your desired course of study or intended major in university or technical college. What are your future goals? How will this course of study help you realize your goals for the future? You can present your ideas in writing below, or, if you prefer, you can submit a video message, a powerpoint presentation, or an in-person presentation. Please ensure you can explain why the school listed above will help you attain your goals. 


My dream is to be an elementary school teacher or preschool teacher, and Nagoya University is the best school for me to get all the certificates including a teaching license.  If I can go tothe university,  I believe that  not only I will be able to get the license, but also can learn some knowledge that will help me interact with children.

Home Director Notes / Recommendation

施設長からの記載 / 推薦

The below space has been provided for the director of the specific orphanage or home to provide a brief overview and description of the individual applying for the Education Scholarship Fund.  Please provide the name of the Home or Institution and your name and position.


She has been moving around various children’s dormitories since she was little, and has not had sufficient education.  She could not go to an elementary school that much, and she was not proud of that.  When she was in seventh grade, she came to our facility and has been studying very hard ever since to catch up.  Even after she became a high school student, she kept studying and has been an outstanding student.  She has a dream of having a child welfare job from a young age and has been saving money for it.

She is a driven person and willing to work hard for her goals; therefore, I recommend her for this scholarship.




Mark Bell/YouMeWe Education Scholarship Fund Application 4


Mark Bell/YouMeWe Education Scholarship Fund Application 2