Day 5 & 6: Iva C.A.R.E.S Fund Raiser


Tokaido trek: day 5 & 6  東海道五十三次、徒歩:第5・6日目

Having to lump 2 days into one post makes me realize how much goes on in a single day! 


Having spent time exploring Yokohama, I was determined to get some kilometers on the Tokaido route. 

Day 5 took me through changing scenery: the highways made way for smaller roads, traditional houses and neat gardens appeared and with it elderly people trimming their plants or sweeping the pavement in front of their house.



Drawings of the old Tokaido route cover store fronts and street boards. More people are stealing curious glances. An old man asks where I'm going and we have a chat (he did the same route years ago, but having speed-walked past me he could easily do it again! ) 


Walking puts your mind into a different state: a slow, peaceful state of observation. 


Day fades into night, and I continue walking, observing. For my first time in Japan, I see stars in the sky. 


I pass another post station (2nd of the day) and with the moon shining and the smell of flowers in the air, I am motivated to make one more station at Odawara.

Until my feet swell even more. Too in pain to walk, I drop my station-dream and find somewhere to camp. A park in a nice area becomes my urban camp sight. Looking up at stars, I fall asleep.


Day 6. A sky of gentle olours wakes me up. I start walking at 6 am and stop as the sea comes into view! I spot a man with a fishing rod going under a bridge, so I (not so sneakily) follow him.



On the shoreline, fisher men are standing before waves and a rising sun. So beautiful! I get a hot coffee (yes, the cold had returned) and continue walking, observing. 


Feet still hurting, I plod on slower than yesterday, enjoying the rivers and sakuras. Then I spot something and have to ask a passerby to be sure. Yes, it's Fuji-san's peak I see!!!


Giddy with excitement, I (relatively) hasten my pace while staring at the majestic white peak and surrounding mountains. Only 8 km to Hakone! I drop things off at a hostel and decide to take a train to an onsen near Hakone. 


Well, that Onsen-near-Hakone turned into Walk-and-sightsee-Hakone.


It was a Sunday so waves of tourists swept through the place. Seriously, waves. It was awful. And guess where I escaped from them? Yes, the good 'old Tokaido route.


And seriously, how do I put to words what I've seen? 


Writing "mountains, trees, sakura, rivers" doesn't describe the sheer beauty of the place and photos don't capture its vastness, but even more than that, the feeling of being there.


I walked some of the route and when it was 4pm took a bus to Hakone itself (even if I would revisit to on the Tokaido trek) so I could go the musuems before they closed. Here's my thought process during the journey:

(Winding mountains, stunning scenery): wow this is amazing how is it even real!!!


(More winding, very steep mountains): wow, just wow this is - wait, this is going to be a long walk...


(Seemingly neverending steep mountains): ...well...I'm already passing here...and there's just trees and mountains, so maybe I could take a bus up instead of walking it tomorrow? Nah. This is supposed to be a walk. And think of those walking it in the Edo period...

(おそらく全く終わりの来ない急な山々):…う〜ん、もうだめかも…木と山しか無い。多分、明日は歩く代わりにバスに乗って…? だめだめ、これは徒歩ということになっているんだから。そして江戸時代に歩いた人達の事を考える。

(Mountains etc): ...well, we now have buses thanks to our ancestors, so maybe we should use them instead of going through their same struggle? No. I shouldn't. I should walk it. I won't deserve this view if I don't struggle for it.

(山とかその他):…う〜ん、先人達のおかげで現代にはバスがある。だからこんなに先人のように無理する代わりにバスを有効利用するべきでは? だめ。これではいけない。歩かなくては。頑張らなくてはこの景色を楽しむ資格も無い。

(Snow appears on the roads): hah! Snow! I can't walk through snow! I'll freeze my feet and damage my shoes! Hmm, but I've done it before and I can do it again...

(雪が道に出てきた):やった、雪だ! 雪の中は歩けないはずだし! 足は凍るし、靴もだめにしてしまう(これはバスの出番だ)!!!  しかし、前にもやれたのだから今回だってできる。

(Arriving at Hakone): well, here we are...what do I do??? Should I walk it or take a bus???

(箱根に着く):ふう、やっと着いた。何をしよう??? 歩くべきかバスに乗るべきか???

And that, dear readers, is my current dilemma. 


I walked through Hakone's snowy roads, visited Edo's most important post station where a replica was built (using the old instructions and the same methods and materials!), enjoyed the views of Lake Ashi and the surrounding forests, but the question still played on my mind and as I write this post the next morning, I ask myself again:

To walk or to bus. What is it going to be? 


I'm not dogmatic about walking, my feet still hurt (they are being greeted by blisters). Yet to take a bus would not be true to the spirit of following the Tokaido trail...

Grudgingly (and admittedly with some apprehesion) I decide to walk...but tomorrow.

しぶしぶ(それから、打ち明けると、幾らかの不安を持ちながら) 結局歩くことに決めた。… でも(今日は休んで)明日からね。

Today, my feet get to rest ;) 



DAY 7&8 Iva C.A.R.E.S. Fund raiser


Day 4: IVA C.A.R.E.S. Journey-Kamakura