Day 4: IVA C.A.R.E.S. Journey-Kamakura


Tokaido trek: day 4



To Kamakura!



I was looking forward to what the ex-city would look like since it had once been a bustling city during Kamakura period. Little did I know how much I would love it. Picture traditional wooden houses, forest covered hills and greeny everywhere. This is the Japan I fell in love with back in London.



The walk to the giant Buddha passed many unique houses, some traditional, others a unique mix of old and new. I absolutely loved observing these houses surrounded by beautiful trees full of character and listening to the singing of birds. My trance ended when I heard the frenzied chatter of voices: the tourists had come.



The giant Buddha is best seen from the inside (yes you can go inside it!) There, like the inside of a cave, a silent peacefulness falls upon everyone. The iron-casting of the statue was spectacular and had to be made into 30 separate parts before it could be assembled into a single piece.



Next was Hasedera,  a network of temples and statues and stunning gardens that brought me close to tears. I stopped to quickly read about it before exploring the area and then prayed to the god of fortune for family, friends, YouMeWe, and myself.  And to sprinkle in a weather update: it was gorgeously sunny! (Ice cream sellers seemed to be as appreciative as me).



Interestingly, even if the touristy sights were objectively more beautiful, I personally enjoyed the peace and details of Kamakura's smaller, empty roads. After more walking and food trying, I take a train back to where I left off on the Tokaido route.



Following my gps to the next post station, I search around and find only a car park a highway and a few stores. In the spirit of those in the Edo period who would have been glad to arrive at a station, I buy a Japanese sweet to celebrate, and continue my walk.



Highways, roads, cars...highways, roads - yes, it just keeps going on. Through the plane of cement and concrete, I spot something that makes me stop: in the distance, mountains with snow appear.



When all of us and those after us, and all the concrete and cement and the Lawson signs are gone, those mighty mountains with their strange blue and white hues, will still be there.



I smile, take a deep breath, and continue walking.



My walk ends around 7pm when I get a message from my airbnb host that I must return asap because of some key-confusion.  Taking a bus/train through the same route you just walked by is always a curious thing.

7時頃、ちょうど泊まった先のAirbnb のホストからメッセージが来て、私の歩きは終わる。鍵が云々で至急戻ってくれとの事だ。いまちょうど歩き終えたばかりの同じ道をバスと電車で通るのは、いつもながら不思議な感じだ。


8pm, home. Sleep comes too soon.



Ps. Left my ridiculously heavy bag in the room so I walked around without it today!!! So if you were in the area and passed a non-stop, goofy-smiling lady, that was probably me!

あとがき。今日は私の呆れるぐらい思いリュックを部屋に置いて、リュックを背負わずに一日歩いた! もし貴方がここの付近に居て、ニヤニヤしながらひたすら歩き続けている女の人を見かけたとしたら、多分それは私だったはずです!


Day 5 & 6: Iva C.A.R.E.S Fund Raiser


Day 3: IVA C.A.R.E.S Journey