The heART of Tokyo.

Today we had a long waited event as part of our Life Connection project. As much as YouMeWe is focused on connecting children with the world of technology, we also want to use technology to connect the world with the children. At Christmas Village, with the language interpreters connecting stylists and beauticians from the USA living in Japan. All interpreting went silent as the laughter took over, when fingers went from making the Girl Scouts three finger sign and salute between an American den mother and Japanese scout student to make heart hand gestures with their hands to express thanks for the love and kindness shared today. Young ladies entered the room with pictures of how they would love their hair to look. Others had consulted with friends on what would be the best look for them. Little boys found the clippers and scissors ticklish and the timid young ladies snuck into the room and paraded out confident and happy. This is what we call “Empower Village” where people will look back and May forget the words that were translated but never forget how they were made to feel for the day. Loved and special. Thank you

From volunteer: I was so overwhelmed after leaving. Not that I felt bad for the kids, because they were amazingly happy and blessed. But it was the connections made …. The children at this home are beautiful and the work that the NPO does confirms why we all need to support and love each other. I plan to connect with @Michael Perry Clemons to do more. My heart and mind has now accessed a jewel in Japan. Thank you for the opportunity.


New Intern Yuri Suzuki


New Intern Sarah Jozwik