Thank you to our generous sponsors for #GivingTuesday
Starting with Ousha at O-bar who hosts us year in and year out. It is the ideal place for a party or function.
Thank you to Ross Purdie of HOVR who has not only provided HOVR devices for the raffle but will be sending to our homes as Christmas gifts. This helping the kids Deskercise while studying.
Thank you to the people at JP Morgan for generously donating computers for our CODE CLUB.A big thanks to Curry, David Asai, Marcos Iyer, Srinivas Takato, Tsunenori Solleza, Chris J Ebina, Minoru Moumou, Reda X Keshari, Ravi
And the Japan Philanthropy Committee
Thank you to Dai Ushiyama and his colleague Chizuru Fukusho for year in and year out helping us with generous certificates to the famous May’s Garden Spa in Roppongi Hills
Thank you to Misae for the wonderful tickets to Tokyo Sinfonia for two in December.
To our friend and family Louis Grieco who gave a wonderful gift of a lifetime, LeCreuset Cocotte Ronde.
This year featuring the Ukulele Virtuoso Rio Saito who will entertain us like no other. Who also gave his CDs as a raffle prize.
Thank you to Nick Masee who gave wonderful wines for the auction. Matt Miller who created a wonderful compilation video for the event. Victor Takesaki who ran around to get all the details ready for the night. Lori Hewlett for being the Raffle Czarina. Our Suzan at the door. All the wonderful guests.
A huge thank to who have been our generous sponsors for our first year. We are very thankful to you and your team. Especially the Coltees who rode in the bike ride from Milan to Rome this year.
“Very much looking forward to the new partnership with KIWL (Knights in White Lycra) in 2019”
Thank you to Shiho who is collaborating with us for our Obaa-chan in the cloud project to have the children interview the Japanese elderly to capture their lifestories in the cloud. Launched on #GivingTuesday an interview with her 92 year old Grandmother with her mother and aunt in the room for future generations to hear.